Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Star Trek 25th Anniversary Gameboy game

What can I say? It's Star Trek.
Back in 1991... It's a shame I remember that year so well... Anyway 1991 marked the 25th Anniversary of the original Star Trek. So of course what better way to celebrate than making a game for it?
You can grab this game from ebay at a pretty good price if you are looking into be that big of a nerd. I am.
I really should be getting some sleep.

Custom Gameboy!

Hey there! Long time, I know. Lately I have been on a Gameboy kick. Customized Gameboys. Here are just a few shots of some of my favorite customizations I have found on the internet.

I could go on and on but I'm tired and my baby is waking up... You get the idea. The possibilities are limitless really. This is definitely something I want to look into trying myself in the near future. Stay tuned to see if I actually try it. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

My Childhood... The Turtle Blimp

Man... This brings back a volume of memories for me. This thing was not cheap when it first came out. I got it and I thought my life was complete (i was 9 or 10). This is when Kids played with toys. Remember that? No?