Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Star Trek 25th Anniversary Gameboy game

What can I say? It's Star Trek.
Back in 1991... It's a shame I remember that year so well... Anyway 1991 marked the 25th Anniversary of the original Star Trek. So of course what better way to celebrate than making a game for it?
You can grab this game from ebay at a pretty good price if you are looking into be that big of a nerd. I am.
I really should be getting some sleep.

Custom Gameboy!

Hey there! Long time, I know. Lately I have been on a Gameboy kick. Customized Gameboys. Here are just a few shots of some of my favorite customizations I have found on the internet.

I could go on and on but I'm tired and my baby is waking up... You get the idea. The possibilities are limitless really. This is definitely something I want to look into trying myself in the near future. Stay tuned to see if I actually try it. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

My Childhood... The Turtle Blimp

Man... This brings back a volume of memories for me. This thing was not cheap when it first came out. I got it and I thought my life was complete (i was 9 or 10). This is when Kids played with toys. Remember that? No?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Samsung i760
Came out in about 2007.
1.3 megapixel camera, 128 MB of ROM and 64 MB of RAM.
Gonna try and track one down to do a 2013 review.
Should be fun...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Alien 3 for gameboy

Games like this remind me why some movies to this day scare me. Alien 3 for gameboy was awesome and bad at the same time. 

True Multi-Playa

Back when you had to be in the same place at the same time to play each other. Most of the time, these were your friends. 

Coolest Kid

Love this shot. I remember when I had this same Gameboy Color. I bought Pokemon with it. Spent my whole check to get both. Again, I thought I was the coolest Senior in High School. 

Yellow Gameboy

Today this day I still want a yellow Gameboy Pocket. 

Blue Screen

Remember the days. You couldn't check your email. Facebook didn't exist. No Twitter. Not even myspace.... Well maybe myspace was around when we were rocking these kind of jacks. A few games and maybe the ability to text. Even on these things there were hacks and little "apps" you could find and install. I remember custom ringtones being a big deal. When I got The Simpson's ringtone, I thought I was the coolest guy in art school.